It’s a natural evolution of technology & The future method of Working
Coworking is a natural evolution of technology. It’s a blend of technology and people getting smarter.
In addition to WiFi, fax, conference rooms, kitchen and snack-prep areas, yoga; these ‘rental’ business studios also offer new companies the opportunity to rub elbows with others in their world.
The social aspect of coworking has become a draw as well. Some even prefer to work around other people. They find it inspiring, they find it more COST EFFECTIVE.
Bengaluru is a valuable new destination for its world-renowned entrepreneurial community. Its the third-most popular hub for high-net-worth individuals. Bengaluru is India’s IT and tech capital (known as the Silicon Valley of India) and the most COST EFFECTIVE palce to do business.
Our worspaces are located in premium locations.
Our workspace design features private offices (for teams of 1–100+) with glass walls, to maintain privacy without sacrificing transparency or natural light. Common spaces have landscaping, water falls and a distinct soothing and calming vibe that will inspire your team.
Whether it’s getting feedback on your product in real time, asking for a recommendation on a service provider, or simply having a cup of coffee after work, the power of our community is invaluable.
Events are an essential part of the CoWorking Global experience. From regularly scheduled office hours with venture capitalists or other industry professionals, to wine tasting happy hours with the whole community, we know how to work, and we know how to have fun. There are events, both social and professional, happening every day to help you build and maintain a strong team culture.
Lunch + Learns
Enjoy a catered lunch while our members share expertise, knowledge, and valuable tips.
Office Hours
One-on-one sessions with investors and industry leaders.
Weekly Happy Hours
Carrom, Foose Ball, Table Tennis & Play Station Four.
Networking Events
Expand your professional circle with hundreds of events.
Collaborate, share experiences, and get inspiration from CoWorking Global members and Community teams virtually anywhere. From the start, you’ll see that our members are full of ideas that can help your business grow.
Our goal is to support our community however we can. When you’re a smaller team facing a certain level of risk, it can be difficult to get a good rate from service providers. We understood that, and went to our partners to negotiate rates on behalf of our entire global community. That means the second your team joins CoWorking Global, you get to take advantage of lower costs on things like money-saving benefits on payment processing with HDFC, and shipping discounts with Blued Dart, UPS.
1) Super Fast Internet 11) Table Tennis
2) Micro Roasted Coffee 12) Foose Ball
3) Print Station 13) LAN Cabling
4) Front Desk Service 14) Play Station 4
5) Cafetarias and Common Areas 15) Power Back Up
6) Mail & Package Handling 16) Locker Facility.
7) Motor Bike and Bike Parking 17) CCTV Cameras Security
8) Community Managers 18) Yoga
9) On Site Staff 19) Confrence Rooms
10) Office Supplies 20) Networking with Coworkers
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